The Silent Journey And Discovery: Holistic Development

От 2024-01-27 10:00:00

До 2024-01-27 13:00:00

How does Montessori make the educational experience different?

How do children maintain their curiosity about the world and love of knowledge?

What is it like to experience the Montessori classroom the way your child does?

How does the environment develop your child’s potential?

What is the science behind Montessori materials?

This event is a unique opportunity to learn firsthand about Montessori education. The experience is of the authentic Montessori prepared environment and how it engages the senses.

During the event, we will awaken the child in you. You will have the opportunity to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of each classroom, interact with the Montessori materials, and have presentations and lessons to experience the purposeful and intrinsic learning activities that children do every day.

You can expect to understand better how the children and adolescents at “Discoverer Montessori School” spend their day and develop their knowledge and skills. This experience will give you a rich understanding of authentic Montessori materials and approaches and the environment’s crucial role in learning, developing critical and creative thinking, and supporting personal growth into positive, authentic leaders.

Please book your place here and let us know if your child will accompany you, as we have planned fascinating activities for them.