Dear Parents,
Join the exciting Montessori Discovery Journey that will make you feel, live and experience how the holistic natural development of the child is supported from birth to adolescence. Deep dive and sense:
- how does the child grow as an independent person?
- how does s/he develop curiosity and love to learn, work and know?
- how does s/he develop creative thinking, willpower, self-discipline and a moral code?
- how does s/he find his authentic self?
- How does one become a positive leader able to change the world?
Get into your child’s shoes and get to know the world unveiled in Montessori way from the point of view of the child’s senses.
Based on the Montessori methodology The Silent Journey & Discovery and developed by Barbara Gordon – internationally recognised lecturer and director of St. Alcuin Montessori School in Dallas, this workshop has been held super successfully for over 30 years in schools in the United States and around the world, answering questions like “What do children experience at school and how it affects them?”
Confirm your presence here by 10th of February and notify us if you will be accompanied by your child/ren as we are going to provide engaging activities for them.
The spots are limited!
Otkrivatel’s team