Dear community,
We’d like to share with you the letter that the students of the Young People’s community received from Jenny Hoglund:
Dear Eartha,
Thank you so much for your kind and lovely message. It quite made my day. I so enjoyed meeting you all and I get to think of you every day because the flowers are on my table. They are being admired by everyone who comes to my house. Maybe I can become a retail store for you? I also need to tell you that my daughter Astrid has taken to the cushion you presented me with and I have trouble keeping her from not removing it and taking it to her room. My red hairband is also a favourite.
You have a very special environment and it was very easy to feel welcomed and at home being with you. I enjoyed every minute of it, your company, the food and the way you work in your community. It gives me great hopes for the future, knowing that you one day will be the ones to take over and making the world a better place.
I do hope that I will be able to visit you again. (Astrid is also very intrigued.) It would be my pleasure to see you again and I wish I am able to support you and your community in any way I can. You are also all of course welcome to visit Sweden.
All my very best to all of you,