
4,5 – 6 years

The passage from the first to the second plane can best be expressed by saying that the child passes from a material, sensorial plane to an abstract one. The first being essentially motor and sensorial; the second essentially moral and intellectual.

Dr Maria Montessori

A Bridge Between Kindergarten and School

Welcome to Discover Montessori School, where the joy of learning flourishes within the context of the International Baccalaureate Early Years in the Primary Programme (IB Early Years in the PYP) and the Montessori approach, placing the child at the centre. Our unique educational concept offers a supportive and stimulating environment that fosters not only academic achievements but also the comprehensive development and support of young children’s unique potential as they prepare for school.

Exploration and Questioning the World Around

At Discover Montessori School, we value our preschool learners’ vibrant and curious minds. Our early years program is built around the dynamic and holistic IB Early Years PYP approach to education, which promotes cognitive and socio-emotional development through holistic methods. This approach facilitates learning through discovery and respects and supports the natural curiosity that drives young learners to explore and question the world around them.

Freedom and Responsibility for Great Work

In our supportive community, children’s natural tendencies toward exploration are met with enthusiasm and encouragement. By recognising them as the true architects of their educational journey, we provide a nurturing space that values their current experiences and future potential. This allows them to express themselves creatively and develop their unique capabilities through diverse activities. Engagement in play not only enhances their cognitive flexibility and imagination but also equips them to face new challenges and seize opportunities with confidence and joy.

Individualised Learning and Group Projects

At Discover Montessori School, learning is a holistic experience that emphasises not just academic skills but also our children’s overall well-being and emotional growth. The journey is as exhilarating as the destination in our learning environment, ensuring our young learners grow into knowledgeable, compassionate, and proactive members of the primary years community.

Lifelong Love of Learning

At our school, every child is a curious, capable young learner who thrives under gentle guidance and the freedom to explore their interests. Our program marries the structure and global perspective of the IB PYP with the Montessori approach, fostering independent thinking, self-discipline, and a lifelong love of learning.

Transdisciplinary Framework

Our transdisciplinary framework harmoniously integrates local and global contexts, making learning meaningful and engaging. We encourage our youngest students to immerse themselves in at least four of the six transdisciplinary themes, exploring them through games and creative activities where hands and minds work together. These themes include: Who We Are?, Where We Are in Place and Time?, How We Express Ourselves?, How the World Works?, How We Organise Ourselves?, Sharing the Planet. This exploration is enriched by both adult-initiated and student-initiated activities, creating a balanced environment where children thrive at their own pace.

Bilingual Education

Our bilingual preschool class is a vibrant learning space where children engage in both independent activities and guided small-group investigations. Under the IB PYP framework, children explore six transdisciplinary themes that connect learning to the real world. 

Holistic Learning Environment

The developmental learning environment supports progress in knowledge and developing social, cultural, and emotional skills. Our preschool classrooms are designed as inviting spaces that encourage young learners to engage in large-scale activities in collaboration with others. A wealth of resources and materials, tangible abstractions, provide the tools for individualised learning, allowing children to develop at their own pace and enhance their skills guided by their interests. Preschool children learn about the world and how they can contribute positively.

Preparation for Primary Years

At Discover Montessori School, we prepare children for their primary years by fostering language and mathematical skills, and a deep connection with nature, along with developing their creative and temporal understanding. Our bilingual approach enriches children’s vocabulary and expression in Bulgarian and English, using a variety of storytelling and structured language activities that segue from oral to written forms, nurturing an early love for reading. Mathematical concepts are introduced through sensory activities that build a robust foundation in numbers and the decimal system, encouraging children to explore at their own pace. Outdoor learning removes the barriers between the classroom and the natural world, allowing children to engage directly with environmental and scientific concepts. Our curriculum integrates music, dance, and art seamlessly into daily activities, supporting expressive development. A strong emphasis is placed on developing independence and social skills through group work and discussions, fostering a sense of responsibility and self-regulation as children prepare for the next stages of their educational journey.

Join Our Community

At Discover Montessori School, we believe in strong community ties and active parental involvement. We invite parents to participate in various school activities, understanding that collaboration between home and school enriches the educational experience for our children.

Embark on a transformative journey with Discover Montessori School, where your child will prepare for the academic challenges of the future and grow into a responsible, compassionate global citizen.

Schedule a visit today to see our unique approach and meet our dedicated team of educators.

I am happy my children have been members of the Discover community for the last six years because every day they learn from a perspective different from what traditional education offers. At Discover Montessori School, my children have the opportunity to grow up as free individuals who are learning to be responsible for themselves, others and the surrounding environment by following their inner potential.

Denitsa, mother of Bojidara – 10 yrs old and Kristian – 6 yrs old

Schedule a tour

We invite you to visit us and meet our team before submitting your Registration for enrolment.


Tuitions of Discover Montessori School are revised on an annual basis. The tuition includes:          

  • Holistic Education according to 
    • Bulgarian state requirements.
    • International standards for holistic Montessori education.
    • Primary years programme (PYP) and Middle years programme (MYP) of the International Baccalaureate (IB).
    • Bespoke individualised program responding to the child’s needs.
    • English language program as a main language of instruction.
    • Intensive study of a second foreign language (Spanish, German, or Russian) in Middle Years and High School.
  • Core and Extended School Day
    • Early Years (Pre-school): Core school day: by 4:00 pm. Extended day: by 5:30 pm.
    • Primary and Middle Years (1. – 7. grade): Core school day: by 4:30 pm. Extended day: by 5:30 pm.
    • High School (8. – 12. grade): Core school day: by 1:30 pm. Extended day: by 5:30 pm.
  • Extra Curricular Activities:
    • Early Years (Pre-school): arts.
    • Primary and Middle Years (1. – 7. grade): sports games.
    • High School (8. – 12. grade): theatre club.
  • Meals: fruits and vegetables
  • Visits to theatre or music productions, activities in a museum or gallery, architectural and natural attractions, and practices in Sofia.
  • Medical professional attention includes morning checks, first aid, and prevention measures.
  • Annual “Accident” insurance.

Extracurricular activities, which require additional payment:

  • Clubs (robotics, photography, dancing, digital skills, handwork, theatre, piano, handwork, sports math, writing workshop, chess club).
  • Sports (swimming, tennis, football, yoga).
  • Ski and green camps (for children over six years old).
  • Trips and educational activities outside Sofia.
  • Classes with a speech therapist.

Tuition for School year 2025-26:

Program  Age/Grade One payment Two payments Monthly payments
Primary Early Years  Pre-school 7 400 2 х 3 800 = 7 600 1 х 2 600 and 9 х 585 = 7 865
Primary /Elementary Years
Grades 1 – 7
7 650 2 х 3 925
= 7 850
1 х 2 600 and 9 х 610 = 8 100
High School
Grades 8 – 12
7 200 2 х 3 750 = 7 500 1 х 2 000 and 9 х 633 = 7 700


  • Signing a 3-year contract provides a 5% discount.
  • For a second child in the family, a 5% discount is applied to their annual tuition fee.
  • For a third child and twins in the family, a 7% discount is applied to his annual tuition fee.

School Year:

  • Primary Yearly Years (Pre-school): 1 September – 31 July.  
  • School: 15 September – 15/30 June.

Terms of Payment:

1 payment
by 1st June
2 payments
by 1st June and 1st of September
Monthly payments
from September till June


A deposit of 15% of the tuition is payable upon signing the educational contract. The deposit guarantees the child’s place in the program and is refunded from the first paid instalment of the tuition for the academic year.


Upon signing the contract, the enrollment fee is 500 EUR for preschool and 750 EUR for primary and middle years.

Learning Resources:

The learning resources fee is paid once for the entire academic year: 400 EUR for preschool and 500 EUR for primary and middle years.


  • Early Years (Pre-school): breakfast, fruits and vegetables, lunch, afternoon snack: 1 200 euro.
  • Primary Year (1. – 4. grade): fruits and vegetables, lunch: 1300 euro.
  • Middle Years and High School  (5. – 12. grade): breakfast, fruits and vegetables, lunch: 1 500 euro.

Extracurricular Activities:

Clubs and extracurricular activities are part of the Extended School Day program, which is offered every day of the week. They play an important role in school life, providing children with a wide variety of activities. The list of clubs and activities is updated every school year.


The service is offered for children who have reached the age of 5, according to the schedule of the students of Otkrivatel Montessori School (from 15.09. to 15.06.). A subcontractor performs the service, and a transport fee is charged in addition to the tuition. The transport fee for the academic year 2024/2025 is 2 500 euros and can be paid once or in two instalments before the beginning of each term – September and January. If the transport is used in one direction only, a discount of 35% of the price is used. If there is a second child from one address, a discount of 60% of the price is applied.

Summer School:

From June 15 to August 25, students can attend Summer School, where a bilingual language program continues in all subjects. The Summer School fee is per week.

All figures are in euro.

For more information, please contact us: