„Anybody can be great, because anybody can serve:
all you need is a heart full of grace and a soul generated by love.””— Martin Luther King Jr. —
Dear Community,
Every parent wants the best for their child, and as far as their knowledge allows, is trying to prepare the best possible home environment for the child that the family can provide. Every parent is trying to provide the best possible education for their child. Education that will prepare the child with skills and knowledge in order to be a successful adult in life.
Human development is a constant process. Process that cannot be controlled but a process that requires support and understanding. We cannot force it, we can only observe it and give maximum effort to understand and accept it. From our Montessori perspective, this IS the natural life development. This is the reason Dr. Maria Montessori called her method “psychopédagogie” and not educational method. Pedagogy which is based on the psychological characteristics of the child that change periodically.
If we look at education from that perspective, with deep understanding and knowledge, then the children will receive the help needed to become the best versions of themselves.
Otkrivatel is and unique place in Bulgaria, where we witness the personality growth of the child from early childhood to adolescence applying that Psychopédagogie method.
The best way to understand how the method works is to immerse yourself in this world and become a child again for a little while.
We would like to invite you to a Discovery journey where you will experience how the child grows:
→ from functional through intellectual to social independence.
→ from disciplinary limits to responsibility for themselves and their community.
→ from concrete through abstract to critical and creative thinking.
Experience your children’s educational journey and visualize where they will be in their development in one or two years.
You are invited to be our special guests on Saturday, January 29th, 9am – 4pm.
Please confirm your participation.
Thank you.
Otkrivatel Children’s House and Elementary School